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Statistics of the College Drop-Out Overview

Statistics of the College Drop-Out Overview

Number of Students Dropping Out of College

3 million students enroll in some form of higher education each year

33% of 2.75 million students dropped out of college in the year 2000

40% of 4.5 million college students will leave higher education without getting a degree

53% of 1.75 million students at public institutions starting classes for 2008-2009 academic years have dropped out.

Only 38% of 800,000 students at for-profit colleges starting in the 2008-2009 academic year will graduate within six years.

20-30% of 625,000 college freshmen drop-out.

64% of 850,000 students at non-profits starting classes in the 2008-2009 academic year have dropped out.

Financial Situations of the College Drop-Out

60% of all college dropouts received no help from their parents

70% of dropouts had no scholarship or loan support

50% of students who drop out of college have income under $35,000/yr

Hours Spent on School Each Week

On average students spend their time doing the following activities:

Top 20 Reasons for Dropping Out

  1. Finances
  2. Failing
  3. Outside Job
  4. Unprepared
  5. Partying
  6. Wrong Course
  7. Bad Fit
  8. Family Problems
  9. Bad Love
  10. Homesick
  11. No Mentor
  12. Health
  13. New Course
  14. Life
  15. Move
  16. Children
  17. Distance
  18. Housing
  19. Outside Problems
  20. Burn Out